2016年2月24日,美国总统奥巴马签署了trade facilitation and trade enforcement act of 2015,简称为tftea,中文翻译为《2015年贸易便捷与贸易促进法》tftea book
该法案旨主要是加强美国海关和边境保护局执行美国贸易法律法规的能力,简化和促进合法贸易,禁止不合法贸易。但是这个免税法规也是有条件和例外情况的,根据美国海关规定u.s.customs regulation 19 cfr 10.151,受此豁免的商品需要满足以下条件:
?shipment must be imported byone person on one day.货物必须由同一个人在同一天进口,具有合理的零售价值,如口头声明或提单所证明的那样。
?exemption is not allowed if cbp believes that the shipment is one of several lots covered by a single order or contract, and that it was sentseparately for the express purposeof securing free entry or for thepurpose of avoiding compliance with any pertinent law or regulation.
?consolidated shipments addressed to one ultimate consignee are treated as one importation.
?exemption is not allowed if one or more partner government agencies require information to fulfill their regulatory requirements.
?no alcoholic beverage,perfume containing alcohol (except where the aggregate fairretail value in the country ofshipment of all merchandisecontained in the shipment doesnot exceed $5), cigars, orcigarettes will be exemptedfrom duty and tax payment.
?exemption is not allowed in the case of any merchandise of a class or kind provided for in any tariff-rate quota.
?cbp authority:
as a reminder, even in the case of low value shipment, cbp has the right to require a formal entryon any shipment where additional information, bonding, or protection is required. theadministrative exemption may be denied if cbp believes that the shipment was sent as a low value shipment for the purpose of avoiding compliance with any pertinent law or regulation.
澳洲海运专线物流 亚马逊fba,美国亚马逊fba海运怎么收费跨境长途远程搬家公司哪家正规又便宜?(跨境搬家省钱办法)fba fbas四川美国海运服务(四川英国海运服务)联邦快递已经发出去了还能改地址吗?(联邦国际快递改地址要收费吗)从武汉怎么海运出口美国(武汉到新加坡海运)茶叶出口报关流程(茶叶怎么报关出口)